Sacred Womb Services was conceived from a vision and a calling to support a connection with and an embodiment of the power of the womb space.
The womb is believed to be our direct connection with the sacred. The place where we bring forth life and birth all our creative endeavors; the place that carries the memories from one generation to the next.
Physically, it is the experiences within this space that mark important passages in one’s life: her first moon, pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, and menopause. Energetically, it is within this pelvic space that the healing of ancestral wounds can become the womb for our fullest embodiment.
Regardless of factors such as sexual orientation, gender identity, hysterectomy, or whether or not a person has birthed a child, the womb is a place to honor and celebrate creativity and pleasure. In cultivating its energetic qualities of receptivity and release, we tap into and connect with the natural cycles of life around us.
Too often the womb becomes a place of held grief and unexpressed rage due to challenging birth experiences, pregnancy loss, abuse, lineage patterns, gender role oppression and the collective experience of disempowerment of women and mothers which impacts all human beings during this time.
By offering services to women and nonbinary individuals, whether as a doula and bodyworker or through the practice of sacred ritual and circle, it is my hope to provide support in honoring and healing the womb as women have done throughout history.
:Upcoming Events
Cultivating Sexual Wellbeing
Feb 25 - March 25, 2025
​​​Wheel of Consent Workshop
March 7-9, 2025 - Seattle
Aug. 22- 24, 2025 - Salt Spring Island
Healing Retreat for Survivors
June 12 - 15, 2025
Whidbey Island, WA
Free info session Feb. 23rd

Dancing in the Womb of Papaya ©1994 Mara Berendt Friedman